08 July 2008

Indian animals

While in India, we saw quite a variety of animals. In addition to the usual dogs, cats and birds, we also saw (in the cities, mind you): cows, horses, mules, pigs, goats, chickens, peacocks and camels. As for a few of the more exotic, I'll let you see for yourself.

And that last picture is not the closest we got to a cobra. On the way to dinner one night in Agra, we found ourselves next to a boy, about twelve years old, carrying a small basket. As he was standing next to me and right behind Heather, he removed the lid of the basket to reveal a cobra, who began to slither out of the basket, about a foot behind Heather's arm--she was completely unaware of what was happening. I told her to hurry up. Why? Just hurry. Why? Hurry, there is a cobra. What?!? As this is going on, I am trying to tell the boy thanks, but we'd rather not see your cobra. But we survived, and dinner was lovely.

Missed the tigers--maybe next time.

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